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Brighten Your Smile With Great Teeth Whitening Advice

Always hiding your smile should be a thing of the past! A mouth full of yellow teeth can be embarrassing, but there is good news. If you want to whiten your teeth, you have lots of choices. There is everything from professional products to home whitening treatments that can give you a gleaming smile to be proud of.

Before using a whitening product, start by cleaning your teeth thoroughly. Contaminants such as plaque or leftover food particles can form a barrier between your teeth and the whitening product, hindering its ability to lighten your teeth. If you try to whiten dirty teeth, it may cause uneven shading, so make sure you brush and floss before you begin to whiten your teeth.

If you over use teeth whitening products, especially extremely powerful ones, you could be doing serious harm to your teeth. You should always consult with your dentist before going through such a procedure and make sure it’s safe for you to do so. If your dentist says it’s too soon or you’ve done it too many times – listen to him!

Avoid using mouthwashes that contain alcohol or have coloring added to them. These colorings are known to have a staining effect on your teeth. The chemicals that they use are also not good for you. One well known mouthwash has been known to stain your teeth a brownish color.

When you want whiter teeth, do not be fooled by the different kinds of toothpastes available. Toothpaste that claims to whiten your teeth is frequently more expensive than normal toothpaste. When trying to remove stains from your teeth, regular toothpaste works just as well and is often cheaper than whitening toothpaste.

A natural whitening method that many people stand by is to mix lemon juice and salt. Fresh squeezed lemon juice is best as the acid is at its peak. Mix the juice from a lemon with a half teaspoon of salt and brush your teeth with the mixture. The acid will eat at the stains and the salt will add abrasion to scrub them away. Brush normally after this treatment to remove the citric acid.

Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Regular brushing helps to prevent plaque build up, because this can result in permanent discoloration of your teeth. Once it builds up, it is difficult to remove without the assistance of a dentist, so it’s better to avoid the problem in the first place.

Carry a small toothbrush with you to use after eating sugars. These types of foods tend to stick to teeth, and can start or add to any staining. After enjoying the sweets, brush for two or three minutes. You can get away with not using toothpaste during these quick touch-up brushes.

Cut back on things that are known to stain your teeth. Try to cut back on coffee, cigarettes and soda. These are all things that are known to stain your teeth. If you eliminate what is causing your teeth to stain you will be able to keep them white.

See your doctor before taking any steps toward whitening your teeth with store-bought products. It might be that you simply need a professional cleaning. Your dentist can tell you if your gums are healthy. If you have any inflammation it is wise to wait on the whitening treatment until your gums are in better condition.

Pay close attention to the state of your mouth when using at-home teeth whitening products. For some people these treatments can cause temporary, mild tooth sensitivity. If you are using a product with a tray that does not fit your mouth well this can irritate your gums. Discontinue the treatments if you experience discomfort or pain.

Eat an apple to present an illusion of bright, whiter teeth! Crunchy foods like apples tend to be very abrasive, which quickly brushes away any visible staining without hurting your teeth.

If you are looking to get whiter teeth, you should not smoke. The nicotine content in cigarettes causes your teeth to stain a dark color. If you really want to get a bright white smile, then you need to make sure that you quit smoking for good, so that your teeth do not redevelop a stain.

Drinking water after dark beverages can prevent them from staining your teeth. Drinking water following dark drinks, like coffee and tea, can help prevent the pigments from staining your teeth. Try drinking through a straw to avoid contact with your teeth or adding non-skim milk to your coffee to prevent stains.

Eat crunchy vegetables like apples and celery to help remove surface stains on your teeth. Think of them as like a loofah for your smile. They exfoliate the teeth before the stains can get deeply attached to the surface of your teeth. Fibrous foods like spinach, lettuce and broccoli will also work.

There are many different companies that offer teeth whitening kits. There are gels, strips and many other types of products. Some of these are definitely worth giving a try if you are having problems with yellowing teeth. Make sure to read the reviews on the various products that are out there, otherwise you could be wasting your money.

You do not need to suffer with embarrassing dental issues. It is easy to remedy mild yellowing and staining with whitening solutions. Choices range from home whitening kits to professional treatments at the dental office. Most of these are inexpensive and only take minutes to use.

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