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Whiten Your Teeth With These Simple Tips

A brighter, whiter smile is what half of America is searching for. Some have found it, some have not. The key is not in these high dollar teeth whitening treatments that you can buy at the store; the key is in how you take care of your teeth by what you eat, drink, and if you properly clean them. Below are some tips on what to avoid and what to take up when trying to whiten your teeth.

If you use two hour teeth whitening strips and your gums are getting increasingly sensitive, switch to half hour strips. Even though these sorts of treatments may take longer to take effect, they will protect your mouth and gums from damage.

Rinse your month with water after drinking coffee, tea, cola or red wine. These substances are notorious for staining teeth and the stains can be very difficult to remove. Rinsing with water will wash away any residue left on your teeth preventing the substances from having prolonged contacted with your teeth and causing stains.

If you want to have white teeth you should avoid wine, cigarettes and coffee. Coffee and wine contain chemicals which cause tooth staining. If you just can’t kick the habit of these, make sure that you brush your teeth immediately after consuming them. There are now mini finger brushes available that can provide a light abrasive to the teeth area. These may be a handy alternative to having a toothbrush with you full time. The abrasiveness of the brush is how your teeth are cleaned.

Fresh strawberries are an effective, natural way to whiten your teeth. Because of the organic compounds in strawberries, they may whiten the teeth without having to use harsh chemicals. Simply cut a strawberry into two pieces and rub the inner part of the fruit on your teeth for a little while or mash the strawberry to create a paste and leave it lined around your teeth for a few minutes.

Make sure that you brush your teeth and floss daily after every meal. Flossing and brushing prevents the buildup of unwanted plaque which also discolors your teeth. Plaque is something you want to avoid at all costs and carrying floss with you can greatly help. Focusing on your teeth can assist in preventing discoloration and damage, keeping you healthy for the long term.

Avoid drinking coffee, tea, cola, and wine unless you are drinking water with them or immediately afterward. These dark liquids have been shown to permanently stain and discolor teeth. Rinsing your mouth with water afterward can reduce these effects, as can brushing your teeth after your morning coffee, as it removes the staining chemicals from your mouth.

Strawberries are a great natural teeth whitener. You can rub them on your teeth for a quick whitening method. You can also mash them up and make them into a paste. You can then brush the paste on your teeth and leave it there for 5 minutes, then rinse your mouth out.

To whiten your teeth while you eat, use orange peels! Citrus fruits have great natural whitening properties. Just take the peel from the orange and rub it across your teeth after you finish eating. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then brush your teeth like you normally would. You should see the results right away.

You can preserve the whiteness of your teeth by drinking liquids through a straw. Using a straw reduces the contact time of the liquids on your teeth, reducing the possibility of stains. The liquid bypasses your teeth and goes straight down your throat.

When you use a whitening product, it is important that you do not over do it. This can cause that natural enamel of your teeth to erode. If this happens, your teeth will become very sensitive and can become incredibly damaged. Remember that the health of your teeth should come before their appearance.

Fruits and veggies that have a lot of fiber will give your teeth a natural scrubbing. Some examples are apples, broccoli, cucumber, and carrots. Eat these foods raw, and make sure to chew them really well, since chewing is what helps them to work on scrubbing your teeth. As you’re chewing, keep moving the food to different areas of your mouth, so you can scrub as many of your teeth as possible.

Several dental companies are currently selling different types of strips to place in the mouth and aid in whitening. These are actually one of the best ways to improve your smile outside of a medical procedure. Although they may be a bit expensive they are quite effective and can help a great deal.

If you are looking for a natural way to whiten your teeth, use fresh lemons. Simple rub the inside of a lemon peel on your teeth daily for whiter and brighter teeth. This teeth whitening technique is simple, fast, and inexpensive. Using lemon peels lets you whiten your teeth, without using the harsh chemicals found in some whiteners.

As previously stated, white teeth are in high demand by most of America. There are costly ways to go about whitening your teeth, then there are smart ways. Of course, the smart ways are best. The costly ways may be easier, but could hurt your teeth in the long run, not to mention your bank account. If you follow the aforementioned teeth-whitening tips, then you should be well on your way to achieving those beautiful pearly whites you have always dreamed of.

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